
North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Journal

In Seventh month 2000, North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) approved the publication of an occasional journal, the purpose of which is to help make our yearly meeting’s identity and values known to others. (As one Friend observed, if we do not articulate who we are as Conservative Friends others will do it for us and are doing it already.) The Journal provides a forum for exploring those issues most important to our identity as Conservative Friends in a way that is particularly relevant to our yearly meeting, its history and our present circumstances, as well as helping yearly meeting members to know one another better, and thereby strengthen the yearly meeting community. Issues are available either online or on paper by request as indicated below:

Send letters to the editor, subscription requests, and donations to:

NCYM(C) Journal
PO Box 4591
Greensboro, NC 27404

Email inquires can be sent to the attention to the Journal Committee to

Questions? Contact or reach us at PO Box 4591, Greensboro, NC 27404