
Inquiries about Membership and Meeting Affiliation

Feeling a close connection to North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)? We welcome inquiries about individual membership and monthly meeting affiliation. Modern modes of travel and communication make long distances a less formidable obstacle to strong relationships among Friends than was the case in previous generations. Meaningful membership is possible where the commitment to a strong and healthy relationship is sustained.

Individual Membership: In our yearly meeting, individual membership rests with a monthly meeting, not the yearly meeting. Several monthly meetings have members who live outside their local area, or outside North Carolina. The quality of the relationship between the individual and the meeting is more important than the physical distance that separates them. To begin exploring membership with us, get to know the Friends in one of our monthly meetings. Information about locations, times of worship, etc., are available from the monthly meeting contacts.

Monthly Meeting Affiliation: North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) has a long history of welcoming unaffiliated monthly meetings into the yearly meeting. The most recent of these was Davidson Monthly Meeting in 2009. Monthly meetings interested in exploring affiliation should begin by sending representatives to our yearly meeting sessions, Interim Body meetings, and other events. If interest continues, a period of intentional intervisitation and dialogue would follow.

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