Highlights of the Upcoming 322nd Yearly Meeting of NCYM (Conservative)  

July 8-12. 2020

Our Keynote Speaker on the evening of  Sixth  Day  will be John Calvi.

Living Faithfully in a Fractured World – Remembering Our Roots

Friends were born of hard times.  Our gifts to the world have always been coming back down to essentials – truth, compassion, surrender to the Light.

John Calvi has been on the road for 38 years with his Quaker ministry.  The author of two books - The Dance Between Hope & Fear - 2013 and How Far Have You Traveled - 2019, he is at work on a memoir of his own healing and becoming a Quaker healer.  He has been led to work with inmates, tortured refugees, people with AIDS, and rape survivors, among others. 

Mary Kay Glazer will be our Bible Study Leader.

Let’s come together to hear some stories that may give us guidance on how to live faithfully no matter what life throws at us. In this intergenerational Bible study, we will explore some Bible stories. We will also read children’s storybooks to see what they have to say about faithful living.

Mizey Misenheimer will facilitate a night of fun and fellowship.

Friends of all ages are invited to join Mizey as he leads us through a variety of fun community building activities.  

Andrew Wright and Goldie Walton will have activities for Young Friends.

The program  includes Children’s Storytime,  virtual games, fellowship time to reconnect with friends, and activities designed by the Middle and High School Youth. 

We will be using the Zoom platform.

Everyone will be able to join Yearly Meeting sessions this year without using gasoline.